Imaging & Radiology

Imaging & Radiology
State of the art digital general purpose x-ray equipment is available to image the bony skeleton and lung fields.
General radiology studies can be done at the time of your office visit and the images are available immediately for your physician to go over them with you.
X-ray is also available on a walk-in basis from 8:00 – 4:30 if you have an order from your doctor.
Digital Mammogram
Digital mammography is an x-ray examination of the breast used to detect and diagnosis breast disease.
What To Expect When You Get A Mammogram
- The procedure requires that you undress from the waist up
- A technologist will position your breast for the mammogram
- The breast tissue is compressed during imaging. You may feel some discomfort during compression
- If you are tender during your menstrual cycle, try not to schedule the exam during this time. If you experience pain during the exam, tell the technologist immediately.
- The procedure takes about 20 minutes. The breast compression only lasts a few seconds.
- Approximately 10% of women will require additional mammographic views and may be required to return for more imaging and/or breast ultrasound. Don’t be alarmed if this happens to you.
Results will be available 3 – 5 days after test completion. You will receive a report summary by mail.
Patient Preparation
Little preparation is required.
If you have had your previous mammogram at a facility other than Troy Internal Medicine, you should attempt to get those images and bring them with you so the radiologist can compare them with the current exam at the time of interpretation.
Wearing deodorant on the day of the exam should be avoided since some products in antiperspirants can leave artifacts on the images.
Any breast symptoms or problems should be brought to the attention of the technologist performing the exam.
Bone Density
Bone mineral density or DEXA scan testing is a painless, noninvasive and safe way to measure how strong your bones are in your lower spine, hips and forearm. These areas are an indicator of the bone density in the rest of the skeleton. The most common areas of fracture in a person with osteoporosis are the hip, spine and wrist. Your bone density is measured and compared to what is expected to be the normal of someone in your age, sex height and weight group. This information allows your doctor to identify whether you are at risk for a fracture.
What To Expect When You Get A Bone Density Test
- You will be asked to lie on a table on your back on an open table
- A scan arm will move over the top of you but at no time will touch you
- Scans of your lower spine, hips, and forearm will be obtained
- For Body Composition the entire body from head to toe will be scanned.
The exam takes from 20 – 30 minutes. - Your doctor will review, and if you have had a previous scan, compare the scans.
- You will receive your results in approximately 7 days.
Patient Preparation - You will be asked to complete a general history form.
- For DEXA you will be asked to change into a pair of radiology shorts. If you wear slacks or a skirt with an elastic waist band (no zipper or buttons) you may not even have to change.
- For DEXA BCA you will need to remove all garments and place on a radiology gown.
Body Composition
DEXA Body Composition Analysis (DEXA BCA) testing is a personal assessment of how your body fat distribution will affect your cardiovascular risk.
Though not typically covered by insurance, this can be a great tool in guiding you to reach your personalized health goals.
Virtual Colonoscopy
Colon cancer screening should begin at age 50.
Virtual colonoscopy is a recently developed, minimally invasive technique for detecting polyps and cancer in a patient’s colon. In many cases, it serves as an effective alternative to traditional colonoscopy. Virtual colonoscopy uses a CT scanner and virtual reality computer software to examine the colon thereby eliminating the need of inserting a long tube (colonoscope) or barium solution into the colon. Virtual colonoscopy takes only a few minutes to complete, requires no sedation, and does not risk perforation of the colon wall. CO2 (carbon dioxide) is placed into the colon during the test to help visualize any abnormalities. Because CO2 is rapidly absorbed, the discomfort level using this method is extremely minimal, and patients can return to normal activities directly after the test.
Many insurances do not cover or have specifications on who can have the virtual colonoscopy. Please contact your insurance to find out more.